Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to avoid the genetic ailments by Yellapus

The basic reason for the genetic ailments is habit of hunting and consumption of high level of non-vegetarian. Hence, they must become the vegetarian, which is the natural habit of most of them before migrating to the south. They killed many animals during the hunting and human beings during the war. Hence, they should make room for all the beings on the earth. This requires planting the trees and protecting them, conservation of water bodies. Thus, these activities protect the animals. Earlier, some yellapu elders had dug the wells and planted and protected the plants.

Another way of avoiding the genetic ailments is to perform the Yoga. It has the capacity to suppress and alter the genetic characters to certain extent.
Here I would like to mention my personal experience. Now I am 36 years old and do not have the hypertension or diabetes. But, most of my cousins are affected by one of these problems by the age of 30 or 33.My job is very stressful and requires physical and mental capacities. Where as, jobs of my cousins are very cool. The reason for my health is very simple that I have become vegetarian in August, 1993 and remained the same. In the recent past I stopped eating the egg also. I always preach others to be vegetarian and converted a few. Thus, I protect the rights of the animals as a confession to the activities done by myself and my ancestors. I naturally love to grow plants and protect them. I also perform Yoga regularly.

Another reason for the genetic ailments is hegemony attitude. Sincerely, elders of yellapu were mingled with every community. But, at present the harmonious relations are missing in many Yellapus. They should strive for the well being of the poor like their elders.

1 comment:

  1. Its highly commendable to learn that you have planted so many saplings and i appreciate as a member of earth the well being you have done to the society.

